Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Proof ordered

I thought I might mention that there are NO VAMPIRES in Blackbirch Woods. :) And who or what is Tam Lin? Find out here: http://www.tam-lin.org/

I ordered a proof copy of the book yesterday to make sure everything is the way it should be. I am hoping to finalize publication by May 1, 2011!

Monday, 7 March 2011

What is Blackbirch Woods?

I began writing this story late in 2009. I was intrigued with the idea of someone sharing a deep bond of love with a person whom they could not remember. The first scenes I sketched out were from the middle of the final book. I had no idea where they were going, but the whole story quickly formed.

Several months later, I e-mailed the story to Sylvia Courtright, a friend in New York, because she so kindly offered to proofread. She offered invaluable suggestions which ended up changing the structure and flow of the story, and making for stronger storytelling overall.

The result is something like Tam Lin meets Twilight, but from the perspective of a believer in Jesus Christ.

Because I reside in Nigeria, I decided after much prayer that self-publishing was the only way to go. Book publishers expect the author to work hard in country to promote their work and I was not available for that. Also the work of researching who accepts manuscript submissions from unpublished authors showed me that it could quickly become a full-time job; I already have one of those!

I expect to publish the book and have it available for purchase through CreateSpaceDirect and Amazon.com by May-- just in time for the woods to really be springing and for Willis to emerge again into the black birch wood night...

Welcome to the woods!